Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
If you have kids, Calvary Chapel Dothan children’s ministry offers age-appropriate classes and Bible curriculum. Your children are welcome to stay in the worship service with you as well. Youth are welcome and encouraged to participate in worship services. Calvary Youth also hold Youth Group meetings on Friday evenings (check out our events page for more info).
Ages 1-2
Toddler care is available Sunday mornings. We play, sing, read books, and pray for each child, giving parents and caretakers an opportunity to participate in the service while their toddler is learning to love church with age-appropriate activities.
Ages 3yrs through 1st Grade
We use the Grow Curriculum to guide our lessons, have our own musical worship time, pray together, and have lots of fun with Play-doh, coloring and painting, puzzles, and games to help kids feel comfortable and ready to learn. For more information on this curriculum, click here.
2nd through 5th Grade
Older elementary aged students meet each Sunday of the month, this class is currently learning a broad survey of the books of the Bible using The Bible Project videos, discussion, art activities, and Q&A time. We pray and learn together, and have a great time building friendships.
First Sunday
On the first Sunday of every month the 2nd through 5th grade class participates in the church service with their parents to learn from God's Word in a way that will prepare them to be an active participant outside of children's church. During the rest of the weeks this age group participates in the musical worship portion of the service with their families before checking in to Children's church.
Wednesday Evenings
We provide a class for children K-5th grade on Wednesday evenings that starts with worship geared toward children and Bible study lessons.
Ages 1-2
Toddler care is available Sunday mornings. We play, sing, read books, and pray for each child, giving parents and caretakers an opportunity to participate in the service while their toddler is learning to love church with age-appropriate activities.
Ages 3yrs through 1st Grade
We use the Grow Curriculum to guide our lessons, have our own musical worship time, pray together, and have lots of fun with Play-doh, coloring and painting, puzzles, and games to help kids feel comfortable and ready to learn. For more information on this curriculum, click here.
2nd through 5th Grade
Older elementary aged students meet each Sunday of the month, this class is currently learning a broad survey of the books of the Bible using The Bible Project videos, discussion, art activities, and Q&A time. We pray and learn together, and have a great time building friendships.
First Sunday
On the first Sunday of every month the 2nd through 5th grade class participates in the church service with their parents to learn from God's Word in a way that will prepare them to be an active participant outside of children's church. During the rest of the weeks this age group participates in the musical worship portion of the service with their families before checking in to Children's church.
Wednesday Evenings
We provide a class for children K-5th grade on Wednesday evenings that starts with worship geared toward children and Bible study lessons.